Gifts for those Poor Broke College Kids| Bride Tips| Amber Prusse Photography

This blog post is to all you wedding goers! To all the grandparents, best friends, the odd uncle and everything in between. 

Choosing a wedding gift for that special bride and groom in your life can be quite a hassle. Especially when you are in the point in your life when it seems you are going to a wedding every other weekend! 

I put together a list of the top wedding gifts that poor, broke and in love couples REALLY want. Because that three blenders and a book about eternal bliss are awesome...but come on...its three blenders...and a book about eternal bliss.  

10. Buy gifts that are actually on their registry! I know I have totally been in the situation when I am in between a ceremony, heading to a reception, and in desperate need of a gift. So I run into Target, buy the first thing I see that looks fun, and head out! Look up their registry. It's a good way to see what has already been bought and what they might need. Also be sure to check off that it has been bought!! Because...three blenders....

9. Games for 2! Some of my favorite gifts that I got when I first got hitched were fun games that we could play as a couple. May I recommend Skipbo and Phase 10

8. Blankets! Some high quality blankets. Not just the cheap fleece ones, but some high quality snuggle blankets for Netflix binging!! 

7. Photo Frames! There is nothing more that a bride wants to do, than decorate her new home. Especially with her wedding photos!

6. Tools! When we first got married, my dad went and bought us a ton of tools! When we got them, we were like, "What the heck do we do with these?" But then life started happening. And we needed tools! So yes. Tools!

5. CrockPot! As a newlywed, who works or goes to school all day, this is the BEST gift. I have to say that a crockpot is one of my most kitchen things that I got when I got married. 

4. Pillows! Oh my gosh...High quality pillows? Yes please!!!!!!! Your bride and groom are probably using pillows that they stole from their mom and dad's house. They need new pillows!

3. Something Personal! I know for me, when I got something handmade, or something that had a story behind it, it made it that much better. Like the aprons that say, David's Girl or Amber's Guy. Or a painting of the temple they got married in.

2. Gift Cards! Restaurants! Target! Walmart! Cold Stone! Movie Theaters! Anywhere!  

1. CASH!!!!!! When in doubt, give them CASH! You seriously cannot go wrong. That cash may go towards rent, paying for books for that next semester, buying that first grocery list or help them have a better time on their honeymoon! Either way, cash is seriously one of the best gifts you can give! 

What is your favorite gift to give at a wedding?? Be sure to leave your suggestions in the comments below! 


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