Tibble Fork Family Photos

The Day family, in my opinion, is one of the cutest families in all of Utah. They are everything a family photographer could ever dream of! Their style, that red hair, those snuggles, and kisses made everything perfect. 

When talking, we decided that evergreen trees were a must, so heading out to Tibble Fork was a no-brainer. We arrived at Tibble Fork in the mid-afternoon one Saturday in January. The water is completely frozen over, there was mud everywhere, but as long as we stayed in the sun, the cold was not to bad! Evelyn wasn't too sure about hanging out with me at first, but after some animal talk and my rendition of Moana, we became friends. Although, she wasn't a fan of the fruit snacks I brought. (The blue Mott's fruit snacks are far superior, and I have to agree.) 

We headed out to the frozen lake! There were a couple of people huddled in their ice fishing tents trying to catch their death. (Kudos to you if you enjoy ice fishing, but to you, I say, What is the point??) It was much colder out on the ice, but the backdrop of American Fork Canyon mixed with the cold blue of the sky and the evergreen trees made everything just perfect. 

The cold ice made cold fingers, so we had to pull out the hand warmers to help with smiles, but nothing would make Evelyn smile except being all snuggled in a blanket next to her mom and dad. Most parents feel like they need to apologize for children being on the cranky side, but honestly, capturing mom and dad trying to comfort and console their babies are some of the most beautiful and tender moments. They are so much more than I could ever try to pose. 


The Bushman Family | Peter Rabbit Inspired Nursery


American Fork Canyon Engagement|Utah Wedding Photographer|Amber Prusse Photography