Four Years Ago- A Proposal Story
This morning while scrolling through Facebook, my "On This Day" popped up. While looking through it I discovered that four years ago, my partner in crime and I decided that we were going to spend the rest of our time together.
I don't think a lot of people know our story, so I thought that I would share it with you, because
Call me biased, but I think it is pretty sweet.
Earlier in the year, my aunt told me to get out of Wyoming and come live with her for the summer to work and hang out. And boy, I was stoked!!!! "Cute, Utah BOYS! COME HITHER!!!!!!! I want to date you all!" That was my mentality for the summer.
I went to a young single adult activity my first week there. And there he was. Looking all sorts of cute, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. But I definitely made a mental note that I really needed to get to know this guy.
The next Sunday I saw him again, in a dashing blue tie that really brought out his eyes. Still don't get a chance to talk. There was another activity that evening, so in hopes that I might see him again, I went. An lo and behold! There he was!! That cute guy, with not one, but TWO empty chairs on either side of him. Just waiting for me to sit. So I did. And I turn to him and say, "Hi! My name is Amber." "My name is David." "So what's your story David?" And talking through the speakers, staying an hour after the activity ended talking mostly of how we loved Captain America more than Thor, the night ended with him asking me on a date for my birthday which happened to be the next day.
A little Cafe Rio, bowling and an outdoor movie had me hooked on this guy. And we saw each other every single day that summer (except for was tough.) It was a perfect summer.
About two weeks before I was getting ready to leave to go back to school in Wyoming, and we started talking about what we would do when I left. On his front lawn, we decided we should probably get married! So we called my family, told his family and I am so freaking out in my mind.
About after an hour of being engaged, I said that I just couldn't be one of those girls who get married after knowing a guy for a few months. Its not logical and I would not do it! So one panic attack and a really understanding, probably super broken hearted guy talking to me and saying it was ok, and we would make it work, I felt a little better. We decided to wait.
Photo Credit: Liz Osban Photography
So two weeks later, the day before I'm supposed to leave, we go to Temple Square in Salt Lake City. I love this temple!!! The whole time, I have this overwhelming feeling, that I was supposed to marry this guy. He was supposed to be my life partner. And despite all of the logic in my brain, my heart knew that I needed to be with him for the rest of my existence.
Luckily, it seemed like he felt the same way. So while sitting by the fountain, somehow it came out that we should re-discuss the whole getting married thing. He said that he really wished he had a ring to give me. I said, "Well I have a ring you could borrow." So I gave him my CTR ring. And he asked if I would marry him. And I said, "YES!" He put that CTR ring on my left hand and we were so happy.
Four years ago, I said yes to the biggest adventure of my life. The past four years have been challenging, rewarding, a struggle, a success and an experiment all at the same time. But I'm so lucky that I have such a supportive and loving partner to go through it all.