A Letter to Girls Who are Still Trying to Figure it Out

Dear Sweet Girl who may be thinking to herself "Oh my heck! I have no idea what I'm doing with my life!",

You may be 17, just getting ready to graduate from high school, you may be 21 and still struggling getting to  work and staying awake through Biology 1000 or you might be 25, just figuring out that life just isn't turning out the way you planned when you were 17 and thinking that maybe you did have a plan. 

Girls, life is hard.

It throws you curve balls and punches and gives you lemons that you are supposed to make lemonade from! But NO ONE GAVE YOU THE RECIPE!! How are you supposed to make decisions and life choices when there isn't a plan? Or you had a plan but it got screwed up in the weirdest way. 

I see girls all around me who are looking, searching for a sign, some sort of direction, maybe a little inspiration perhaps? I reached out to the world searching for some advice from girls who have been in the same spot you are in, who are currently in this boat and I was amazed at the incredible advice I received. I condensed what my friends said into 10 ways to make it through the first "Oh my heck!"



1. Cut negativity out of your life. This includes people, environments, relationships and situations. Your happiness is worth it. Make it count.


2. Put positive people back in your life. Allow your family and friends to support you. You can and will find people who are like you and who will cheer you on. Have others in your life who can be strong for you when you can’t be. Be kind to others.


3. Be great. Don’t allow yourself to be mediocre. Try your hardest in everything that you do. Don’t do anything half way. Don’t limit yourself with your own expectations. Work harder, try more, pour your heart and soul into everything you do. It feels so good to do something hard and do it well!


4. Accept both good and not so good outcomes. You will make plans that have been perfectly crafted and researched but those plans will go all wrong and that doesn't make you wrong. It makes you human and normal. Learn from your mistakes and move on. It won’t be horrible forever.


5. Dream big and trust in your big dreams! It might as well be you as anyone else that dares greatly!


6. Find out what makes YOU truly happy. Focus on yourself. Don’t make decisions based on what other people think you should do. Take chances and be open to new experiences. 


7. Be responsible. Don’t blame others for your problems. You are accountable for your own happiness! Seek for advice when you need it. Be safe, be smart. 


8. Special people (including boys) will come and go. Don’t focus on dating for the sake of getting a boyfriend. Find yourself and the rest will fall into place. Allow yourself room to grow and change for you! Not for anyone else.


9. Remember that most of the time (with a few exceptions), your parents and family are there to support you. Your mom and dad love and care about you. Listen to their advice and trust that they want the best for you. 


10. Everything happens for a reason and everything will work out in the end. Sometimes you are the one that has to find the reason to the things that happen for us and to make it ok again. Make all your experiences count whether they be good or bad. 

Life won't always been peachy, but if anyone can do it, YOU can! You are gorgeous human being no matter what you may be going through right now. 


She believed she could, SO SHE DID! - R.S. Grey



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