Getting Married on a Weekday say What?? |Utah Wedding Photographer|Amber Prusse Photography
When picking a date to get married on, most people go straight for the weekends or the weekends near major holidays. A lot of times this works great for couples. More family can come, they get an extra day on their honeymoon perhaps.
But today I want to talk about the perks on getting married on a day during the week!
Perk 1: Venues most of the time are cheaper during the week! For example, let's take a look at the Highland Gardens. According to their website ( you can save $600 by having your reception Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday instead of Friday or Saturday. Same deal at Bella Vista in Lindon! (
Perk 2: If you are getting sealed in the temple, it is a lot less busy! For example, when I got sealed at the Salt Lake City Temple on a Saturday, there were 36 other couples getting sealed that day. Now this was in the middle of December. To be very honest, I felt rushed and there were several other couples getting their pictures taken. Now Dania and Tyler got married at the Draper Temple on a Thursday. At the time they got sealed, they were the only ones there!! They got all the attention and the only downside is that there was a freak blizzard when they came out. But it was still a great experience.
Now you may be concerned that certain wedding guests may not be able to make it because it is during the week. Let me tell you, that they will make it. They know that it is an important day to you and for them. They will make the effort to be there even if it isn't on a weekend. It may be a little more difficult to get work off, but I am sure that if you make the extra effort to tell them that even though the wedding day is in the middle of the week, you still want them there.
No matter what day of the week you have your wedding, make sure it is special and what works best for you! And everything else will fall into place!
Has anyone had their wedding in the middle of the week and loved it? Share your experience in the comments!